Originally Posted by Ustwo
I heard about this, this morning when I woke up.
I'm sure though that this is the sort of thing that all governments do, and is not due to the nature of Islamic governments and movements.
What do you mean this "sort of thing". I don't understand you.
Also the Bali bombing was before the war in Iraq if I recall, so while you can debate if having a potential mid east democracy will make you safer or not, I rather doubt it made you less safe.
You may rather doubt it if you want, but if you seriously believe that the Australian, and for that matter American, invasion of Iraq did
NOT make these two countries a bigger target, then your understanding of these affairs is not as well rounded as I thought.
Finally, please do not make basic errors in logical argument in paraphrasing me. I did not say anything about "having a potential mid east [sic] democracy" as decreasing safety, but specifically the invasion of Iraq.
Mr Mephisto