Getting through a university network
Alright, so I want to use Azureus and eMule/Limewire/some p2p program. eMule actually works sometimes, but I can only get downloads at about 2.7 kb/s, and I am allowing stuff to be uploaded (maxed at about 20 or 30 kb/s, I think). Basically, when I do the port test for both eMule and Azureus, they aren't able to listen/connect/do whatever they're doing. I noticed, though, that on the eMule test, which brings up a website that lists the IP address that it's attempting to connect to, that the IP address listed is not the same as the one that shows up when I run ipconfig. I guess this means that wherever the network connection actually goes has been assigned that address.
is there anything that can be done about this? I'm not looking to trade in hundreds of thousands of songs, but if I hear one, or more specifically, want to get some video game music (older Final Fantasy) to listen to while I do homework, I'd like to not have to set eMule up overnight, and pray that it downloads. Appreciate any help on this.