Originally Posted by Halx
Sorry, can't pray to nothin'
But I can loathe the man who sent them there to die.
Originally Posted by xepherys
We bolster the ranks of the opposing force just by being us... by being Americans, by being free, by being Democratic, by being Christian,. by being friends with Israel... We didn't need to kill any innocent children to get attacked in the first place
Have you considered that by supporting israel, and giving them an unfair advantage in the region, that we may have indirectly caused the death of children, and that is why a portion of those in the region who hate us, hate us?
Originally Posted by xepherys
So, it's your totally objective opinion? That doesn't make sense to me...
....It's his opinion on his totally objective view of the facts. If you live in state X and state X is gaining jobs every day, your opinion might be that the nation that contains X is doing a good job with jobs. However, if stats A-W are losing jobs, your opinion would be subjectivlely contained to state X. By looking beyond X to A-X, you will have an objective view, and then can make your opinion based in this view, that the nation that contains A-X is doing a bad job with jobs.