Originally Posted by Halx
That's great Ustwo. Let's also not forget that they went through a gruelling training course that conditioned their mind for exactly the task they were assigned for. If I was trained for a mission, I'd be pretty disappointed if I was never deployed.
Now on the other side of the matter, there are those of us who are fortunate enough to have not had to fall back on a career in the military as our favorable choice. We are able to stand back and see the entire picture - not from the mouth of a few of our close friends - but from the collective response of an entire continent. While your military friends are being welcomed by the smiling faces of the Kurds, I get to read how every country in europe grows more and more impatient with our incompetent president.
Oh I could go on... I'm at work though.
That's a mighty narrow-minded response. I'm kinda surprised. I am "fortunate" enough... I've spent over ten years in IT, have made decent money and not had to worry too much. I enlisted just over two years ago now of my own free will. Not for money, or free college (though I am going back), but because I wanted to serve my country. I've always had good grades, I scored a composite 99 (percentile) on the ASVAB and could have been anything I wanted, but chose Combat Arms. And frankly, I believe I'm intelligent enough to see it from both sides.
Personally, I'm not a fan of Bush. I also don't care much for Kerry. Regardless of what either says, both will bring more war upon us. I believe the "War on Terrorism" in it's roots is a valid and valiant effort. It has, however, run amuck and I understand that. The attack on Iraq, I believe, was a good thing. It may have been unfounded in it's "intentions" for WMDs, but alleviating Sadam from power was a good thing. As for the world at large, especially our "friends" in Europe... we're damned if we do, damned if we don't. So many coutries and people like to bash the U.S. for interevening and playing "Big Brother". But if something comes along and we take no action at all, we're suddenly heartless and cruel because we DON'T use our power and wealth to fix other people's problems. Hmmmm... that's real history my friends.
Bush's biggest problem is that he's not a diplomat. Clinton probably could've done the same thing and had most of the world ecstatic about it. Bush is a bad speaker, a bad politician and a bad diplomat. *shrug* Vote him out... That's what our country is all about, right?
Will this change things? Probably not. Do you believe that the U.S. doesn't face another attack if Kerry wins? Do you believe that we won't go to war with Syria or Korea in the next few years? Sure, we might not, but we very well may, regardless of our presidential outcome. And sorry, this isn't 9 weeks of Army Basic Training talking, it's 27 years of being an American citizen talking. Hopefully you can understand the difference and see that I'm not just a brain washed machine, and that some people do sit somewhere just off the fence to one side.
Do things need to be fixed? Yup! But it takes time... be patient!