Originally posted by Easytiger
Maybe people choose capitalism because it's easy. Let's face it, the central tenet of capitalism is "Every man for himself".
That's not the kind of rule I want to live by.
Now, i should have been clear as to what I meant by "evils of capitalism".
I was simply refering to the working class/poor being taken advantage of and exploited by the select few, and consider New York as a example.
I woun't get into any specific events, (though there are plenty) that changed, for good or worse, the strong grip a select few capitalists had on the majority of the city's poor and middle class. Not until after the Triangle Waist company sweatshop fires did this problem become apperant and addressed (though not much was done to change anything). Because the aim of a Capitialist company is not to provide for the people, but to turn up profit...at any cost.
All in all, Capitialism is a good idea, I'd like ot see it happen one day. Unions are a good idea, and that's where I envy some of my European fellow humans.