Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
1) It's not a deterant
The American version may not be, but the Chinese version sure is. So is the Middle-Eastern version.
2) It costs more than life in prison
Again, the Chinese version is quite cheap.
3) It kills innocent people
Ok. At least the American version probably has this one done a little better than the other systems.
4) It's state sponsored murder
So is waging war. It kills quite a few innocent people too.
It's not hypocritical. It is very different to condemn innocent people than to condemn someone who has shown that they have no value to society (or a negative value actually).
6) It goes against so-called Christian values
So? Most of the world isn't christian, and those that are don't have a universal interpretation of how it should apply to real life.
I'm not sure why the vans have people so upset. If they really wanted to kill random people, it's not so hard. All police officers have guns... I would agree that China's laws are too strict, but that is a completely different issue than enforcing those laws.