Thank you, PAN.
I will Move On when Jeb Bush does. He showa no contrition for his Y2K
felon purge list; quite the opposite, considering what he was caught doing
when his 2004 purge list unexpectedly became public, negating the assurances
of fairness and accurcy Jeb and Glenda purported before their new criminal
manipulation was exposed by our press, who thankfully did not choose to
move on. Do you think that founding fathers, like Jefferson, who designed our
system of checks and balances, would have "moved on" ???
Jefferson said:
"And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them."
<b>Do the sheeple in this country really think that Jefferson would react to the majority of the posts written on this thread any differently than I am if,
in light of what he wrote above, he encountered this of the "sitting"
president ? Is this man facing the people "to set them right as to facts" ? I think not:</b><br>
<a href="">
(As of April 2, 2004.....)
The net-net of Bush's first three years in office is one of the most closed off -- but "on message" -- administrations in history. So far, Bush has held only 11 press conferences -- compared with 77 by his father in the first three years of his administation, according to Frank Rich in The New York Times. Even Richard Nixon, deemed one of the most secretive presidents of our time, held 23 over the same period.</a>
Do you realize that you do not even know who Bush is? All you see is a carefully scripted package when you view the man on TV. With so few press
conferences, and some of those restricted to answering pre-submitted
questions, we have no real measure of this man, compared to the way other
presidents have exposed themselves to situations where they answered
press questions spontaneously, on numerous occasions. Consider how poorly
Bush has performed, even with so few incidences where he wasn't scripted,
pathetic !
The above Jefferson quote was in the same paragraph as his more famous
words, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants".