Originally Posted by ARTelevision
I'm chagrined about the trend in thinking that holds that it is more important to take all opportunities to express dissapointment over one's personal and often unrealistic expectations than it is to voice support for the Commander in Chief, our President. I don't see the nobility of that high horse through the self-serving exercise in ego that it often appears to be.
Oddly enough...I would
agree with you for once, Art. Although, to some extent, that which you've described has been a thorn in the system for longer than you or I have been alive, I beleive that Rush Limbaugh honed it to a razor sharp edge in the 90's, under the Clinton administration. Nothing that Bill could do was right, and every evil under the sun could be directly attributed to him. For good or for bad, Limbaugh is a very effective orator. He swayed the public into beleiving that his rhetoric was gospel...a modern day Pied Piper. Millions marched to the tune that he sang. To be branded a liberal, even the very suggestion of it, was akin to a Scarlet Letter. Some perverse form of McCartyism. "Are you now, or have you ever been a (gasp) Liberal? Burn Witch!" Now, after eight years of "Clinton bashing", the Liberals are, in turn, using the same arows that were flung at them, and hurling them toward the Bush administration. Turn about is fair play? Maybe. But, in all honesty, enough is enough. Somewhere out there is the ideal man for the position of President of the United States. A true leader. A statesman...not a politician. I don't beleive that we'll ever see him though. Were I he...I wouldn't raise my head above the trenches. To much mud flying. Who wants to be subjected to that scrutiny. And besides, who doesn't have a skeleton, or two, in their closet?