I tend to agree with what Stompy was saying, real physical junk mail is far worse than spam. At least on the surface.
The trouble is below the surface; If Company X wants to send real mail to me to advertise their shit that I don't want they have to, pay for paper, pay for printing, pay for postage and create a trail back to themselves (IE: toll free number, return address etc...).
If Company X wants to send a million spam messages to the entire state of Florida for example, it costs almost nothing to do so. Furthermore, they can advertise anonymously. Most spammers get paid for every click they generate, the spammer himself is not really selling anything.
Lastly, if the current rate of spamming continutes unabated, we could see an end to email by the end of 2008, the network (IE: the Internet) just cannot handle the load.
The Truth:
Johnny Cash could have kicked Bruce Lee's ass if he wanted to.
#3 in a series