Beaten, or Disciplined. HUGE difference. Beating a child is WRONG. But not disciplining a child is equally wrong - in terms of the lasting effect. A child who grows up to understand the importance of consequence will be an effective member of society. I was spanked as a child and feel that it was done in a loving and direct way. The idea is to inflict a harmless amount of physical pain and no injury. Never done in anger, but with an intelligent plan in mind. With CLEAR consequences, discipline is easier to project. An effective spanking is reflected by an child that understood why they got the punishment, what the punishment was before hand and that they deserved it. As with the last post, MOST people who were raised this way stay out of prison and obey the law. THIS crap that Physiologists are preaching about how to raise our kids is teaching most of them one long as you can avoid the consequence to a crime (no matter how small) then it is OK. Our modern legal system only supports this Junk. In our courts today, justice is replaced my utter nonsense. If my child is disobedient (for instance I might say "trust me when I tell you not to run out in the middle of the street" I want his obedience and trust of me to be immediate for his safety. So I will make a punishment that is CLEAR (not always a spanking) and every time I will deliver, this leaves no excuse for disarray. But in our courts today, in society and in the media, more time is spent figuring out how a punishment can be avoided or lessened than figuring out weather or not a person is actually guilty. I find this Disgusting.!~!!
I agree with all the other posts concerning age - Spanking should only be used until the child is old enough to comprehend other forms of punishment.
But this is often too late an a child can develope a bad case of disobediance is you wait till they can talk to disipline. Many of the kids that you see on talk shows like "MY KID IS OUT OF CONTOL" and then they send them to kid boot camp, there is a reason this really works. Because the kids need to grow up knowing that there is a consiquence for every action. If you are blessed to have a child that responds well to other forms of dicipline - you are blessed. (there are many) I have one.
but spanking if done correctly SHOULD never be taken away from us as a legal means of Child Rearing!!!!!@
Last edited by danman78; 09-01-2004 at 05:38 PM..
Reason: on a tangent