George Will cheated on his wife with another conservative columnist
Helen Chenoweth cheated at the same time she was urging people to get out and vote in godly men to charge this country
Jesse Helms had his own "Jezebel" as he liked to call Monica
Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart, no description needed.
Matt Gavin of the Family Research Council, head of ex-gay ministry. Famous for railing against gays in the scouts. Found in gay bar. Busted twice in national parks fondling a ranger.
Rush, again. Loves Paris, french wines. He said this in Cigar Afficionado. Now he just calls them pussies and every other slur and says it like he has always held that view.
Really, you might be able to pick out a democrat or two with some questionable practices. But this is endemic of high profile Republicans.