I respect your opinion. Actually, I'm beginning to change my mind. A few private messages with some people have reminded me of a few things that I had forgotten. Waco Texas was the most prominent. I remember being so angry/sad at what my government was willing to do to keep control. That, in addition to the more recent Patriot Acts and second Gulf war, really undermined my faith in my government. The direction that we are headed in is a very scary one. I hope that a certian Abe Lincoln look-alike president (Kerry) can bring us back from a course twards civil war. Bush scares me. A lot.
In an ideal world, all non-simple-tool-weapons would be unnecessary. Well, in MY ideal world. We would all eat natural foods and work in small communities where everyone pulls his or her own weight. Hunting would be done with knives and bows. I think a lot of people wwould be happier this way.
Unfortunatally, we REALLY don't live in that world. We live in a world of many terrible things. Ther is a real need to defend yourself and your friends and family.
While I still will not buy a gun, I am going to continue to learn how to operate and maintain firearms. Who knows what's in the future? Things could get better, but things could get worse. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
Thank you to everyone who openly discussed and considered all parts of the discussion.