Actually, this whole subject annoys me so much you guys get to read some more of my ranting
I understand the reasons behind affirmative action - initially created to help with the desegregation process. However, that should be behind us now. The fact of the matter is, if you take a family that is currently living below the poverty line that is <insert minority here> they have a far better chance of succeeding than a family in the exact same circumstances that is white. I say this because there are countless programs out there, especially when it comes to education, to help minorities - but none specifically out there for whites, and whites only.
For people to say that white people OWN this world is the most (no offence, my opinion only) ignorant thing that one could possibly utter. Certainly, there are plenty of rich white people out there, but there are also plenty of other rich people that are not white. White people aren't just automatically rich - they work just as hard as any other color out there.
As far as the original posters sentiment regarding "conquered people" I would have to agree. In fact, I would extend it to all historical customs/wars. I firmly believe that anyone that was alive through any such event should be generously compensated, but I don't believe that the great-great-great grandchildren of slaves should recieve large sums of money from the government. Slavery was a terrible, terrible thing, but it's over now - we need to move on. Certainly, there are still repercussions that still exist in society today from slavery, but we need to fix on working on those as a society, not handing out money and hoping it will all be better. I feel similarily towards Native Americans and any other people that continue to get a "free ride" based on what happened to their ancestors.
Now, before I upset people - I am not saying that simply because you are <insert minority here> that you are the scum of the universe for taking assistance or accepting the "free ride." If I was in your situation, I most certainly would do the same, and encourage everyone to utilize any edge that they can get to improve their quality of life.
The government, however, is where the problem lies. Until I stop seeing the mandatory "check what race you are" on every government for I fill out, and laws do not discriminate based on race, I will not be completely satisfied. As it sits, there are tons of programs out there for minorities that assist in paying for college, it is more difficult for white people to obtain a mortgage loan, and business are given tax breaks for hiring non-whites - when in reality they should simply choose the best person for the job.
Alas, thanks for reading my rant, you may now continue with your scheduled posting