I will agree that all these photos are beautiful and eerie at the same time. However, I think it's pretty obvious to say that they have had things added after they were taken. Some of the figures stick out too obviously, for example, the figure in picture 18 is very much out of place. It would be nice if they were real, but I seriously doubt it. Ever since the camera was invented, frauds have used it to try and prove the existance of ghosts. I'm not saying I don't believe in ghosts or that none have ever been captured on film, but whenever I see a film or photo of a "ghost" I am very skeptical of it's legitimacy. So, I'm going to go out on a limb and call these fake.
If there exists anything mightier than destiny, then it is the courage to face destiny unflinchingly. -Geibel
Despise not death, but welcome it, for nature wills it like all else. -Marcus Aurelius
Come on, you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever? -GySgt. Daniel J. "Dan" Daly