well yeah.. the webs that attach the clips which then later act as the studs can be a pain to find.. lol these houses have a 4 hour fire rateing.. and unlike the old coolers that look like this stuff the smoke is non toxic when it burns.. if the house survives an inspection.. they come back in and glue eco block back up...
also to put in the wiring you dont need conduict... you just lay the wiring in and put a scrap peice of eco block in.. (after the pouring and it sets up) only problem was null spots.. if the rock used in the concrete mix are too big they will hang on the rebarb and inner clips.. you cant use a vibrator on the walls like you can other forms.. lol bad idea.. we use a zaw-zaw with out a blade and run down the sides after its poured.. works great..
you use a pumb truck.. an example shown here
we made a device that sits on top of the wall and the driver moves it.. this way the concrete is devided down the device we made and the force of the falling concrete is diverted... you can punch a hole easy
and you dont have to stop at just houses. We made a 78 long 4 foot 8 inch tall damn this week for a friends lake he is building.. 10 inches wide inside the eco blocks...
to off set the side with water against it he will put cypress wood to it.. and a cypress wood cap.. we even cut out for next week for a spill way we will attach.. when i get the vid and pics ready ill post them