Originally Posted by little_tippler
I think it's fine not wanting children, your life is your own and it's terrible how doctors try to interfere with your life. I do think though that when you're still quite young, maybe you should wait to have the tube tying thing. Because I'm sure the case has occurred to some, where they never wanted to have children, then have one "accidentally", and find they did want a child of their own after all. And it's true, your mind does change. How many of you here can honestly look back at yourselves at say 14, 20 odd years of age or whatever, and think that you are the same person that you were then? For me, I don't even know the person I was at that age.
But at 22 I packed all my belongings, moved 550 miles from home to a city I've never been to, and put myself through grad school. I chose my husband and my career and am a self-sufficient, mature person who pays all my own bills, so why am I "too young" to make decisions about my own body? I've thought more about not having children than a lot of people have about having them. I've been considering a tubal for about four years but have not until now had steady health insurance and a doctor I like. Never have I been able to figure out a way that having a child would enhance my life, and because of this, I think it's time I took the steps to permanently prevent myself from having one.
Also, my youngest sister is an "accident" and I could never bear to raise a child that I know would resent me as much as my sister resents my parents. I know they didn't want a third child, and they certainly don't mistreat my sister, but I would think it takes more than just getting pregnant accidentally to change your mind, or someone else's, about wanting children. There are too many newspaper articles that contradict the idea that all children are wanted, even if they're not conceived intentionally, and I know I would be horrible to any child I had because I am just too self-absorbed and autonomous to be a mother. I need at least five hours a day to myself to write and exercise and be myself, and I know that I couldn't do that if I had a child.
And I chose my career, which I love, when I was four years old