First let me start off by saying the current situation is a mess. Bush's amnesty program is a joke. It seems as though we have three options.
A. Complete open borders
B. Limited Immigration
C. Current status (chaos)
A. Complete open borders - Many in California want this however this would destroy our economy and cause chaos beyond belief.
B. Limited Immigration - Only logical choice to me.
C. Current status (chaos) - How could anyone support this, immigrants and their families are hurt, and US citizens are hurt as well. It seems as though if you break the law long enough you are rewarded.
Limited Immigration
We need to have penalties for employers who hire illegal aliens. We need to have penalties for those who are here illegally. We need 'Guest Visas' for those who want to come to work cause the current status forces the breadwinner (male) to leave his family in Mexico. We need to all be on the same page, be consistent with our policy.
The Matricular card that many want the US to accept is a joke, I found out that card is not accepted in Mexico due to fraud!
Driver license for illegal, I understand the goal is have insured competent drivers but this hidden agenda is open borders, how can we justify rewarding illegal behavior?
Interesting stats -
The illegal-alien population at 2003 stands at least 8 million. Included in this estimate are approximately 78,000 illegal aliens from countries who are of special concern in the war on terror. It is important to note that the 500,000 annual increases is the net growth in the illegal-alien population (new illegal immigration minus deaths, legalizations, and out-migration).
1996 Costs Table from the Huddle Study (assuming 5 million illegal)
Programs (billions)
Public Education K-12 $5.85
Public Higher Education $0.71
ESL and Bilingual Education $1.22
Food Stamps $0.85
AFDC $0.50
Housing $0.61
Social Security $3.61
Earned Income Tax Credit $0.68 (they are getting IRS refunds)
Medicaid $3.12
Medicare A and B $0.58
Criminal Justice and Corrections $0.76
Local Government $5.00
Other Programs $9.25
Total Costs $32.74
Less Taxes Paid $12.59
Net Costs of Direct Services $20.16
Displacement Costs $4.28
All Net Costs $24.44
Mind you most of these costs are placed on California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. The Bush Administration should reimburse these states.
On a personal note I am part Mexican / Asian / Caucasian so don't throw racist remarks back at me. I have Asian relatives who came here with nothing that have assimilated into society and have educated themselves, I have Mexican relatives who have not been so successful, I believe that culture has allot to do with this.