A long line of nuns is awaiting their entrance to heaven.
St. Peter says to them, "Sisters, although it was ruled that you must stay away from men during your stay on Earth, some of you gave in to temptation. Therefore, before you are allowed entrance to heaven, you must dip whatever part of your body you have touched a penis with into this bowl of holy water to be forgiven."
Sister Mary steps up. "Well, once I touched a penis with just my fingertips."
"Then you must dip your fingertips in the holy water."
She does so, and then walks through the pearly gates.
Next, Sister Jane says, "I touched one with my whole hand."
"Then you must dip your fingertips in the holy water."
She does so, and then walks through the pearly gates.
St. Peter sees one nun pushing her way through to the front of the line, and asks her, "Sister Joan, what are you doing?"
"I want to put my mouth in it before Sister Clara puts her ass in there!"