Originally Posted by fatdaddy411
Yo. I'm 16, I'm a senior in high school. I don't ignore these things. This shit disgusts me, but what can I do about it? I could go puke in the crapper just thinking about it, but does this solve anything for us? You come to the simple conclusion that the world is a severely messed up place, where injustice, violence and ignorance abound. At this point in time, I can't do much to change things, but I hope to in the future, and with or without me I have hope for the world on a whole. For society on a whole, I see a trend towards less toleration of violence towards one another. Look at western Europe. Power struggles and open warfare between nations for hundreds of years, but the eventual outcome has been stable democracy. The job of the United States and all developed nations is to expediate this process in the rest of the world, through any and all moral and practical means availible. Just how I see it.
You seem to be assuming that democracy is wanted or needed everywhere. Don't get me wonrg, I think it is a great system, but it might not be the best for everyone. I truely believe that our form of goverment will not work in the middle east, for instance. Unless something huge chances over there, they will always have more of a theocracy then anything else. It is just what they feel is best for them. WHy should we force our veiws on them?