Why is it everyone seems to think that just because someone makes more money they should pay a bigger percentage of taxes?????
As Wax-Off said, because that someone can afford it.
I'd like to venture that with more income and more sitting wealth, that someone also has a greater vested interest in seeing our nation, society, and economy prosper, as well as an indirect investment in national security. The guy with little more than a shirt on his back is usually the one that signs up to fight foreign enemies, to protect a lot of people with shirts on their backs and thousand dollar suits in their closets.
And to say that the
only fair system is a single, unavoidable percentage for all income earners is just silly. For someone who makes $25,000 a year, $2,500 is worth more in terms of that someone's quality of life than $25,000 is to someone's quality of life when they earn $250,000 a year. It's also silly to assume that there's going to be absolutely no loopholes.