Annan offers UN help to end fighting in Iraqi holy city of Najaf
13 August 2004 – United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan today offered the world body's help to end the current fighting in Iraq, particularly in the holy Shiite Muslim city of Najaf.
"The Secretary-General reiterates his appeal to all concerned to show the utmost restraint in these difficult circumstances," a statement issued by his spokesman said. "The Secretary-General has made clear his position that force should always be a last resort. The United Nations is dedicated to the principle of the peaceful settlement of disputes."
It added that Mr. Annan continued to attach great importance to the establishment of the widest possible consensus among Iraqis in support of a peaceful political transition.
"The United Nations remains committed to doing everything possible to assist the Iraqi people to that end, and stands ready to extend its facilitating role in helping to resolve the current crisis, if this would be helpful," the statement declared.
It said Mr. Annan was “deeply saddened” by the violence and “especially concerned” about reports on the condition of Said Moqtada Al-Sadr – a Shiite Muslim cleric leading his militia in the fight against United States and Iraqi interim Government forces in Najaf, who was wounded according to some reports.
"The Secretary-General believes that all of us want to see Iraq become a civil society, based on the rule of law. The dismantling of all militias would be an important step in that direction," it concluded.
I say, Make it a Parking Lot!