Thanks guys for the posts. Hearing that from someone other than my friends definitely makes me a little less uneasy about the situation. And as far as her taking the placebo pills during her period.. yeah she does. She has her BC down to a direct science and even the placebo pills have to be taken at the same time every day like clockwork, just to keep her on schedule of taking a pill everyday. Anyhow, thanks for the posts - nice to know there are people out there that can actually discuss these things, instead of just make jokes about it.
And on the subject of her jumping on me like that - we've talked about that a lot. I've known this girl my entire life, and dated her off and on for like 3 years, and this is the first time we've ever actually had a conflict of interests... so that was kind of an odd situation. Hopefully she understands now... she couldn't really understand the fact that I needed to have an argument type conversation with her until we had it - known her 16 years total, and never once had a cross word with her.