If you lose your dialtone, you are supposed, at least at my phone company, to have a test line at the NID or 'box'. From what my techs tell us, you should be able to unplug all of your inside lines, wait a second and plug into the test line at the NID and hopefully you'll get a dialtone.
westothemax, just from the sound of it, sounds like some bad/faulty wiring somewhere. We call those a ring trip. Generally you can make phone calls, but when someone calls, the voltage goes down the line and shorts out somewhere causing the person to get one ring, then the line to go busy.
Also, in general, with DSL they do not need to do any inside wiring at your house. The equipment that they need to mess around with should be at their office or wherever you are being served out of, unless they are wiring a jack specially for the computer.
If a tech needs to do anything at your house, it should only be for testing your phone lines, or installing a new jack for the computer/modem whatever.
*Disclaimer: I only speak for my company so I do not know if this applies to all companies.*