Originally posted by omega2K4
I sat down and played Doom 3 today. I was not impressed, yeah, the game has amazing visuals, but that doesn't make a good game. The gameplay is very simplistic, I know id was trying to stay close to the original in terms of gameplay, but damn, I don't remember Doom 1 or 2 being this boring. Maybe I've outgrown the mindless run 'n' gun gameplay that is Doom. You're basically running from room to room, shooting stuff up, wash your hands and repeat. It wouldn't be so bad if the enemies actually put up a tough fight, or used a bit of strategy when they attack you.
The A.I. of the enemies is a bit disappointing too, but it does get a little better when you get further into the game (but not by much). Most of the enemies just run straight at you and attack, when they have moves which are much more agile, but they don't use them often enough, some can even climb up the side of walls, but they don't even do that when you're engaged in combat with them.
Then there is the element of finding PDAs which contain useful information, or security codes, which seems kinda cool at first, but then you realize its the same boring shit from Doom 1 and 2, where you have to find the red key for the red door, blue key for the blue door, etc, just disguised as something else.
The multiplayer seems kinda tacked on at the last minute. I didn't really spend much time with it, but it was your standard, run-of-the-mill deathmatches.
The game, while flawed, would be a pretty good addition to your collection if you're an old school gamer looking for a old school gaming fix (Try Doom 3 or Painkiller if you're looking for some old-school gaming at its finest [moreso in Painkiller's online play]). However, if you're a gamer into Battlefield: 1942/Vietnam, Call of Duty, Far Cry, Rainbow Six, or any game that pretty in-depth in terms of gameplay and strategy, you might want to stick to those games and pass on this one. Overhyped, very much so. Despite it long list of delays, the game seems very rushed in the long run. It isn't a terrible game by all means, its just lacking depth and substance.
I have to be honest and agree with what you're saying. However yours seem to be complaints while mine would be more of observations. I expected this from Doom and felt myself buying the game largely on just wanting to see what the most high tech game out was like. I'm enjoying it for what it's worth though. The fact that it can get me so freaked out is entertainment at its finest, whether or not it's indepth when compared to other games.
I called my friend who doesn't play many video games but was a large fan of the original Dooms. I said, in a friendly manner, "go waste $50 on Doom 3, it's simple but you're going to love it like you did 1 and 2" when he grew excited to play it.
To each his own I guess. I personally love games like CS and all, but sometimes the mindless fun is more entertaining for me, especially when the graffics and enviornments are as good as Doom 3's.
Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding and valuing of life. A vision that inspires you to live and love on planet Earth. Like a priceless jewel buried in dark layers of soil and stone, Earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home And experience of this place to visit and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself as a gamemaster...
--Acknowledge your weaknesses--