I always tip 20%. No less. If it was the first time I went there and the service was bad, I still tip 20%. The waiter/ress may have had a terrible day...who knows what they have been through. The next time I go there and they STILL give me shitty service then I tip accordingly.
I think that when ordering drinks from restaraunts they have to tip out the bartenders (for alcoholic drinks of course). Putting a mug under a tap and filling up 4 mugs is easier than making a sour apple martini....so if they cost the same....think of the preparation for the items you ordered.
And people.....tip your delivery drivers. I help out at a deli for a couple of hours a week, and the cheapskates out there are unbelievable. At least give me something for gas.
If your food was late, 9 times out of 10 it wasn't the drivers fault. It was the idiot customer before you...who answers the door, tells you to wait, looks through the whole house for their wallet or purse...its not like they knew food was coming or anything and it was waaaay too much trouble to have everything ready to make the transaction quick and painless.
Also the ones that like to make boring dull small talk because they are bored slow us down too....nothing wrong with being friendly but you gotta realize there are orders in the car waiting to be dropped off and if they get there late, it may mess with how much money I go home with.
Oh, and the 1 time out of 10 that IS the driver's fault that the food arrived late...is cause you are probably an asshole or don't tip so we don't give a shit about you and take your order last, or finish up our conversation on the phone, or wait for a commercial from our radioshow that keeps us sane while driving.
I just noticed I was pretty off subject there with this post. But I'm submitting it anyways without editing.