Thread: [java] GUI help
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Old 08-02-2004, 04:26 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: The Woodlands, TX
[java] GUI help

ok so ive made the gui for my project... everything compiles... but alas no gui appears... i'm pretty sure the problem is in the class where i make the gui... so i'll put that one in here... the rest of its in a zip file at

and this is the assignment from the teacher

i'll be updating the zip file with my comments and whatnot as i add them in..,

// Assignment 6
// File:
// Programmer : James S
// Student ID : *** ** ****
// Date : August 3, 2004
/*create a new class called MyGui, which would be the graphical user interface class . It has to have text
 fields for entering the First Name, Last Name and hours worked. The user should be able to select the
 category from the JComboBox. There is a text area where all the output and error messages are displayed.
 All error messages are to be displayed in the Text Area (do not use JoOtionPanes).  The user should be
 able to scroll in the Text Area and look through all the wages which were calculated.*/
package assignment63325;

import java.awt.event.*;         //
import java.awt.*;               //
import javax.swing.*;            //Importated classes
import java.util.Locale;         //
import java.text.NumberFormat;   //

public class MyGui extends JFrame //MyGui class
  String[] strCategory = {"Programmer", "Sales", "Office Worker"}; // string for holding JComboBox values

  JPanel pnlInput = new JPanel();  //makes the input panel
  JPanel pnlOutput = new JPanel();  // makes the output panel
  JTextField txtFName = new JTextField(20);  //making textbox for Firstname
  JTextField txtLName = new JTextField(20);  //making textbox for Last name
  JComboBox category = new JComboBox(strCategory);  //making JComboBox to pick category
  JTextField txtHoursWorked = new JTextField(20);  //making textbox for hours worked
  JButton btnCalculate = new JButton("Calculate");  //making the calculate button
  JButton btnClear = new JButton("Clear");  //making the clear button
  JButton btnExit = new JButton("Exit");  //making the exit button
  JTextArea txaPayroll = new JTextArea("Payroll Report", 10, 40); //making the payroll report text area

  public void Payroll()  // assembling components of the gui
    Container c = getContentPane(); // setting up the container
    c.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    pnlInput.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,2)); // setting the container to have a 4x2 grid
    pnlInput.add(new JLabel("First Name:")); // first name text area label
    pnlInput.add(txtFName);   // first name text area
    pnlInput.add(new JLabel("Last Name:"));  // last name text area label
    pnlInput.add(txtLName);// last name text area
    pnlInput.add(new JLabel("Category:"));  //category JComboBox label
    pnlInput.add(category); //category JComboBox
    pnlInput.add(new JLabel("Hours Worked:"));  // hours worked text area labe
    pnlInput.add(txtHoursWorked);  //hours worked text area
    pnlOutput.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,3)); //setting a grid for buttons.
    pnlOutput.add(btnCalculate); // placing the Calculate button
    pnlOutput.add(btnClear);  // placing the Clear button
    pnlOutput.add(btnExit);  // placing the Exit button
    ButtonHandler handler = new ButtonHandler(); // setting the button handler function
    btnCalculate.addActionListener(handler);  //
    btnClear.addActionListener(handler);      // telling the buttons where to go for their action
    btnExit.addActionListener(handler);       //
    c.add(pnlOutput, BorderLayout.CENTER);  // placing the output panel
    c.add(txaPayroll, BorderLayout.SOUTH);  // placing the payroll text area
  private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener
    PartTimeEmployee emp1 = new PartTimeEmployee(); //creating an instance of PartTimeEmployee
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
      int cat;
      if (e.getSource() == btnCalculate)
        emp1.FName = txtFName.getText();
        emp1.LName = txtLName.getText();
        cat = category.getSelectedIndex();
        emp1.hoursWorked = Integer.parseInt(txtHoursWorked.getText());
        NumberFormat moneyFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);  //for formating output
        txaPayroll.append("\nWeekly Salary for " + emp1.FName + " " + emp1.LName 
                          + " is " + moneyFormat.format(emp1.salary));
      if (e.getSource() == btnClear)
      if (e.getSource() == btnExit)
        System.exit(0); //shuts down program


~Clatto Verata Nicto
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