08-02-2004, 02:31 PM
#14 (permalink)
I'm gonna quote myself because that thread got kind of dense, so you'd have to wade through a lot.
Originally posted by ubertuber
TV pictures are made up of lines across the screen. The picture a normal DVD player shows has 480 lines. There is a catch though - not every line is refreshed on every frame. This is known as an interlaced picture. So, a normal DVD picture is referred to as 480i, meaning 480 lines, interlaced. Enabling progressive scan will allow you to send a signal that refreshes every line for every frame. This is what progressive means. So, a progressive scan DVD player sends a picture that is 480p, or 480 lines, progressively scanned.
HDTV can be broadcast in 480p, 720p, or 1080i (they say that 1080p is coming, but I've never seen it or heard of it actually happening). An upconverting dvd player (like the new samsung, zenith, and LG models) can pass on DVD information to your TV at multiple resolutions. Remember how I said a progressive scan DVD player can take that 480i DVD and show it to you at 480p? Well, this guy can display that normal DVD at 720p or 1080i (which would look freaking great)!
Also, for info, which is sometimes really technical, go to www.avsforum.com - a website for people into a/v stuff in a scary way. (Hope that doesn't qualify as a plug. If it is, let me know and I'll edit)
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam