Originally posted by meepa
I thought MM's strategy of "would you send your child to death" was really unconvincing in the context of how they were arguing. It seems to me that that argument only really works if O'Reilly was supporting a draft, which I don't think he is off the top of my head. Anybody who signed up for the military is or should be aware of the risks they agreed to in the first place. I'm no fan of Pres. Bush or the war, or even O'Reilly that much, but it seemed to me that MM got spanked last night.
I disagree. O'Reilly is a proponent of the war and MM is against it. I think we have an obligation to those in the military to only send them to war as a last resort. I would guess most of those who enlist would also share that fundamental expectation. Therefore, if war is truly a
last resort, those who campaign for a war that would put other people kids in harms way should be willing to risk their own.