Originally posted by crow_daw
... Point being, if she fucks around, I WILL KNOW. So I'm not worried about that.
You're not worried about her "fucking around" beacuse you'd know about it? It seems almost as if you're keeping her in check. Perhaps it is her that needs to have the 'ties cut' as maleficent put it.
Anyway, my highschool sweetheart and I have been together for 2 years (known each other for 6) and we're perfectly fine being separated by 40 miles. We each go to different colleges- I travel back home every weekend to see her. I'm not missing out on anything either... 99.9% of the women at my college are alcohol/penisloving airheads. There's more to college (or life for that matter) than drinking half of it away
Anyway, I feel that as long as your relationship is open you won't miss out on anything you don't want to. I also think that communication is the key- just watch the phone bill as the miles add up!