rant immediately following..........
I personally believe that if anyone had direct knowlege that the attack was going to happen and did nothing about it, then they should be incarcerated. This however has not proven to be the case....as of yet.
I also believe that people want to place the blame on the current presidency. This may be due to their immaturity, their paranoia, their political party or because they are just friggin disgruntled that it happened. As of today, I see no clear indication that any action was totally predictable. I do believe that we need higher communication in our intelligence community.
Remember, while we await the next attack, that no matter what, all contingencies cannot be predicted. No one can prepare for all eventualities. I do believe that we will have another attack or attempted attack. Lets wish the people on watch the best of luck in undermining it.
As for anyone that believes that Bush could have prevented that attack and did nothing, I believe that they need a wake up call. The lady (and men) demonstrating was exercising he right to open her mouth and say something not only unfounded, but closeminded, immature and disrespectful. I don't believe she is mentally ill. I believe she is just another ASSHAT with a personal agenda.
Back button again, I must be getting old.