This Land..
..and its missle defense system!
The quoted section below is just the "executive summary" -- the full content of the report can be read at this link (pdf).
Missile Defense:
Defending America or Building Empire?
by Charles V. Peña
Charles V. Peña is director of defense policy studies at the Cato Institute.
Executive Summary
The rationale for missile defense put forward by its advocates is often a "doom and gloom" picture: America and its citizens are defenseless against the threat of ballistic missiles, and missile defense is supposed to protect the American people. The administration's vision of missile defense is not just a global system that protects the United States against long-range missiles but a global system capable of engaging all classes of ballistic missiles to protect U.S. forces deployed worldwide, U.S. allies, and other friendly countries. Thus, the purpose of missile defense is extended well beyond protecting America and Americans.
Ultimately, the real rationale for missile defense is to protect U.S. forces so they can engage in military intervention throughout the world to enforce a Pax Americana—a strategy of empire by another name. But such a strategy is simply the old Cold War strategy run amok and without a Soviet enemy. And it ignores the obvious: the result will be increased resentment of and animosity toward what is perceived by the rest of the world as an imperialist America.
A better alternative—especially given the post–September 11, 2001, realities of the al-Qaeda terrorist threat—is for the United States to adopt a more restrained foreign policy. A more prudent security strategy would recognize that U.S. security would be better served by not engaging in unnecessary military deployments and interventions that fuel the flames of vehement anti-American sentiment.
Given such a strategy, a limited land-based ballistic missile defense system designed to protect the U.S. homeland makes sense. After all, that is the primary responsibility of the federal government.
I agree with the author that a working missle-defense system is a practical security need for the US but that accompanying it with an expansive "We Police The World" foreign policy is counterproductive. I think the technological advances made by a working missle defense system will improve and secure the lives of Americans and the BMD will end up "paying for itself" eventually. Now if only we can find out how to cause two terrorists to collide in mid-air.
seretogis - sieg heil
perfect little dream the kind that hurts the most, forgot how it feels well almost
no one to blame always the same, open my eyes wake up in flames
Last edited by seretogis; 07-26-2004 at 11:03 AM..