Black and Tan
The glow of Toys R Us at night
in the warmth of Southern California
we walked with determination
me and my dad
across a warm blacktop parking lot.
The store lights were large like lanterns
the kind you've never seen before, because
things in the city are so much larger
ten-year olds get distracted
by so much atmosphere, but
me and my dad
we pressed on towards sporting goods
to buy a baseball glove for a
hand that was still growing.
I didn't know the brand-names until later
rows upon rows of
Mizuno's, Wilson's and Rawlings
in only two colors
black and tan, but
I didn't care, because
me and my dad
stood before the weathered checkout clerk
a crisp five hundred dollar bill in hand
I wouldn't know until years later
five hundred dollars
was my mom's monthly alimony.