Hmmm...prince, after reading your threads our situation does seem somewhat similar, particularly concerning the "not getting sex makes me feel like crap" idea.
And it's not just that I'm not getting any....I have been away from her from months at a time and had no problem just talking on the phone. It's only when she's around and I STILL don't get any that I get irritable and depressed.
I think at the root of the problem is my (probably mistaken) belief that if she really found me attractive she would want it more often, or at least get turned on when the opportunity to have great sex presented itself.
I try to do romantic things for her but it seems those don't work. It all depends on when she feels like it. For example, the problem reached it's peak half a month ago on our one year anniversery. I went to visit her in her hometown, bought her gifts, we rented a hotel room to give us some privacy.
We took a shower and I gave her a massage and went down on her for a while.....while she watched tv.....a documentary on liposuction and gastric bipasses non the less and refused to turn it off because it was "too early" to have sex. After the show was over she tried to get me to make a pass at her but ended up getting frustrated and snapped at me for not turning her on. It was crazy. Later that night she tried to give herself to me but I stopped her...too late though, the damage was done.
It's been ok recently...we've had some good sex but I know the problem will reapear.
Maybe it's just the stress in our lives.
This is no sig.