Has anyone heard of photo reading? Since I'll be entering college in the fall, I've been looking for a way to enhane my reading abilities. Naturally, I went to the local library and picked up a few books.
One, was a book called "Reading Smart" by Princeton Review, which helped me read at about 300-500wpm.
The second book, is called "Rapid Reading made E-Z", which is written by the co-founder of PhotoReading, Paul R. Scheele. Upon reviewing (I'm only about 1/3 of the way done through the book), I've learned that there are five steps involved in Photo Reading.
1. Prepare (get relaxed and read to read with a clear goal in mind)
2. Preview (skim and look for key words and words in bold, etc. etc.)
3. PhotoRead (get into a photo-reading stance and flip through the page at a steady rate)
4. Activate (restimulate the brain and probe the mind with questions and exploration of the subject)
5. Rapid Read (skim through again)
I had seen PhotoReading on informercials, claiming that you could gain speeds of upto 25,000 wpm! However, it just seems like it wouldn't be a possibility, and yet- some of the stuff they talk about makes a lot of sense, such as the brain being able to take in a lot of information then you would think. PhotoReading, is basically flipping through the book a page per second, without focusing on the words itself, but looking at the whole book. Still, my skepticial side says that the entire process seems to be just speed-reading a whole bunch.
So- what are your opinions on PhotoReading? The official program including the CDs and a dictionary plus a whole bunch of other things will cost ya 250 bucks, so it doesn't seem like it'd be worth it. Do you really believe that there is a way to absorb information using a method other than line by line analysis?
Some links -
http://www.learningstrategies.com/Ph...ding/Home.html <---- home page
http://www.photoreading.org/ <--- information
http://www.beyondhuman.com/photoreadingPLC.htm <--- Review of PhotoReading
http://www.learningstrategies.com/fo...ading&number=8 <---- Official forum
http://www.subdyn.com/photored.html <-----anti-PhotoReading