Originally posted by MrSelfDestruct
I still can't see how anyone can call CNN liberal. I really don't see much of a difference between the big cable news stations. Everything is a bunch of different faces painted over a nearly identical script derived from the same story, and the talking heads all get that subtle, condescending tone in their voices whenever they're talking about a liberal politician, the liberal side of a debate, or whatever.
Media bias is as much what isn't said as what is. Time paid to stories which are without merit, wording of headlines, images presented while text is read, and order of presentation all have the potential to exhibit bias. For instance, running a story on how the national crime rate is rising (though I don't believe it is) and then immediately following it with a story about the "Assault Weapons Ban" expiring and a clip from a Democrat about how necessary it is to renew it, is a clear sign of anti-gun bias as a subtle link is made between the crime rate and the AWB expiring. It isn't clearly stated but it is implied and incorrect.
Try to remember the last time that anyone who defended themselves with a gun had any recognition at all in local or national news. In Minnesota there was a 15 year old who killed his father and then was caught and held for police by two law-abiding gun owners who were legally carrying -- the last part never made it into the news. Likely station managers will say that they don't want to encourage vigilantism, but by omitting stories like this they are doing a great injustice to law-abiding gun owners and those who need to protect themselves.
Now, I doubt that there is any sort of national conspiracy to skew the nation to the left, so take that tinfoil hat off of my head.