This is pretty embarassing.
3 years ago I flew from NYC to Hong Kong to visit a friend. My el-cheapo flight arrived about 1am Sunday morning in HK. I wasn't able to sleep after I arrived and stayed up all night. I finally got about 4 hours of sleep in the early morning. We went out that afternoon and started drinking. By midnight I was totally sloshed and managed to lose my friends somewhere in the touristy Wan Chai district. I met some new friends and they took me to a strip bar. At some point my new friend leaned over and told me that the bar was run by Triad (Chinese mobsters) members. In my blotto state I said very loudly "the Triads ain't nothin' but a bunch of wanna be gangstas and if they wanna be gangstas they should move to NY"
Moments later I was being propelled up the flight of stairs to the street level by a very large Chinese bouncer.
I was probably lucky to escape without any serious physical damage.
Boy was I hung over the next day.
If you can read this, thank a teacher.
If you can read this in English, thank a veteran.