Actually, personally, I have no interest in debating anything. I know others do. The logical fallacies have been covered several times (search) and the kind of pusillanimous attitudes that are problematic are not resolved by debate. Debate will continue and it's always being refined by its practitioners - but that isn't going to change much. We already moderate people whose debating skills tend toward the fallacious argument side of things and who veer off the deep end of dialog.
No it's going to have to go deeper than that. There will have to be a real decision reached within each contributor to make editorial and attitudinal changes. I don't believe making suggestions regarding how others should be doing this without being willing to come to terms with one's own sociopathologies is going to make a difference.
This isn't an easy thing to do. What is an easy thing to do is to continue posting here in the same ways one is habituated to. That's the problem. And it is ongoing...
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