Again I find it easy to see people dismiss everything off as a leftwing bias or rightwing bias.
Personally anyways I find it funny how 'leftwing' the mainstream media is supposed to be. If it is so 'leftwing' how is it in the mainstream when America is so split (nearly 50/50) in ideology? If anything, its people going farther to the extremities and thus making it seem unbalanced.
So in the end I cry bullshit to cries about the other sie. There are enough biases in the world among people. I find it far easire to see something slanted by being slanted and unwilling to take it.
It's far easir to dismiss a source saying something you don't want to hear than to take something in. I'd rather people read a source they don't want to hear and take some of the information and think for themselves rather than dismiss it entirely because of some notion of bias. (Hence why I prefer the newspaper now because it isn't a bunch of rambling idiots on TV).