highest number of orgasms?
Question for males and females.
What is the highest number of orgasms you've had or your partner has had in one session and also in a day?
For me (a male), I've had 4 in about 35 minutes and 9 in a day.
An ex-girlfriend was really responsive and she had over 20 with me on a few occasions in an hour or so. I would say the most she had with me in a day was around 40. (a saturday mostly spent in bed)
We talked about masturbation and she admitted she did it but wouldn't talk that much about it. From the little bit she did say, I got the feeling she would sometimes have more than even our best sex. She did say that she liked sex more because of the emotional aspect, but I wonder if she was more physically satisfied when masturbating.
I guess that is another question for the females (especially the ones who have multiple orgasms). How common is it to have even more orgasms by yourself than with a partner?