Originally posted by hannukah harry
just two comments.
1) i don't understand your bench warmer comment... are you saying you want religion in politics? if so, what your saying is that you like how he is eroding one of the principles this country was founded on, that being seperation of church and state. correct me if i'm reading into this wrong.
2)i agree he has vision. is it what's right for this country? i don't think so. but that's my opinion. but i don't think it's very arguable that he's a horrible leader. he's divided the country more so than any other president in my lifetime (only 25 years). that's not leadership. leadership is having a vision and getting everyone to go with you. what he's doing is pushing his vision, not leading. there's a big difference.
/my $.02
My comment was directed at Kerry and a few others. Being Catholic he fights for abotion rights something his church is against. Gay marriage is a problem for Catholics as well which he sways back in forth on that issue. I am not saying someones religion should dictate what their policy is but if it differs don't proclaim yourself a good Christian when several Cardinals have out right said he shouldn't even receive communion.
I differ with you opinion on a vision. He took a collapsing economy and turned it completely around. Weathered the largest attack on the US since WW2. Made failed attempts at reaching out to the other side like letting Kennedy write the education bill. Brought tax relief to the middle class that was promised by the previous administration yet never delivered. I differ on your opinion of leading. Folowing the scandal plagued UN is not leading neither is avoiding tough choices or by relying on polls to set policy. Bush can hardly be blamed for the divide in this country as it was there during the Clinton second term. Remember 2000? Bush won by several hundred votes and that was before he took office which you could hardly blamed on him. IMO Clinton should take most of the blame for this as he turned every group against each other with his class warfare.