pan6467, have you ever actually fired a firearm?
I see no reason why anyone should be denied the right to carry a firearm. Stonewall was wrong to deny the Pink Pistols the chance to participate in the rally; sexual freedom is far more important than whether or not someone is armed. Assuming the Pink Pistols acted in a peaceful and legal manner (which they did), then Stonewall should have let them express themselves as they see fit.
Guns are not evil. They are not violent. They are tools. It is extremely easy for a criminal to obtain a firearm; why shouldn't citizens be allowed the same right. I have never met a gun owner who would deliberately disrupt a public event, in fact I have never met a gun owner who wanted to draw attention to the fact that he's armed.
Stonewall brought shame to the event by placing a fear of guns (hoplophobia really is a cool word) above her desire for sexual equality. Just as a person should not be discriminated against because of race or sexual preference, they should not be discriminated against because they're armed.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be having an orgasm.