Originally posted by The_Dunedan
As a parting note, the P.P.s carry their weapons, and encourage other GBLT persons to do the same, in an effort to prevent the sort of 'bashing' which took the life of Matt Shephard. They are perhaps the strongest and most consistant Gay Rights group out there; how are you supposed to, if needed, prevent being "bashed" to death if you're disarmed? There is nothing "peaceful" about staying alive if some bigot is trying to bludgeon you out of this world, and there is nothing "peaceful" about maintaining and securing your rights. Rent the film "Deacons for Defense" for a good, factual presentation of this.
This is a fascinating case of "strange bedfellows." Is the NRA jumping on board with this story? If so, that is a surprise. Remember that Bush refused to meet with the Log Cabin Republicans and that their campaign contributions have been returned by Republican candidates. Of course, this just might be a story of opportunity for gun advocates.
I've never heard the term "hoplophobic" before. This is also fascinating, as it smacks of the "identity" politics that American conservatives profess to hate. Has the gun crowd joined the ranks of the cultural sensitivity set?