Originally posted by cthulu23 00
Anyway, historical trivialities aside, it's nice to think that we could become a nation of entrepeneurs that invest our way to security. Unfortunately, not every citizen is in a position to become a savvy investor. There are 3.9 million people who suffer from daily hunger in this country...what's to happen to them? Are we supposed to allow people to become martyrs to a free-trade ideology that deems them irresponsible? What kind of society does that create? [/B]
Why are they hungry? What has happened to them that they are not in a position to lead productive, self-sufficient lives? Is it possible that the social engineering experiements have put them in this position?
One does not need to be a saavy investory to put money into a passbook savings account. The returns of doing so are far larger than the fraction on the dollar most will see on the SS donations in future.