I think it is disappointing that people refuse to gravitate towards change especially after the scandals that plagued the Liberals for ten years. And how much of the nations debt (in billions) was paid off by simply withholding health transfer payments to all the provinces that were rightly deserving. I guess it doesn't matter to Paul Martin. If he gets sick, he goes to the front of the line. And I can't help but look at every receipt for goods purchased and wonder how much of that money will be duly wasted.
I am disappointed too that people feel they need to give Paul Martin a chance to run this country. I think it is more a pity vote since for some reason people feel he was slighted by Chretien and somehow through attrition deserves the job. I also can't believe the Liberal attack ads that were basically complete lies regarding the Conservatives,actually worked. Paul Martin wasn't even an elected Prime Minister and the lies preceded his coronation. Something to look forward to.
Now lets see how many of those election promises he will keep. I think the honeymoon will end very quickly since although people voted for him, they now want those promises to turn into reality and fast. Paul Martin will have to virtually bankrupt the country to fulfill all his promises which is why he is going to be in hot water sooner than later because he won't be able to do it.
At the best, he has 18 months to do what the Liberal party couldn't do in 10 years, fulfill all of his promises. Time is a ticking and the man who wanted the job as Prime Minister so bad may well wish he didn't want it at all. And people think Dalton in Ontario is getting a rough ride. Just wait until Martin starts bailing on his promises. Funny thing though, he has no one to blame but his own party unlike the idiot in Ontario.
Yes this is sour grapes because I am a man who takes honesty and integrity very seriously. I know politicians lie through their teeth to get elected but still to reward the Liberals with a minority government really has me thinking about this country and the values it holds. This may have been the last election I voted in. If not the last, the next one will be if the Liberals win.
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.