The drug marinol is pure, synthetic THC. I belive it has been developed to help shoot down medical marijay, and put the profits in the pockets of drug companies. Either way, the high from marinol is supposed to be the same, but it's free of all that smoking badness. It'd be an interesting experiment if the tablet was as available as the plant. Who would still smoke and who would take the cleaner pill to get high?
I just don't know too many health nuts that use mind altering substances, other than caffinee.
Dronabinol (Marinol) is ineffective for cancer patients. Why waste time creating and testing a new drug instead of using marijuana? Cancer patients will vomit out Marinol, but can't puke up weed. Also, marijuana might be more effective since it contains other cannabinoids and obviously has different effects than Marinol.
I would take the pill if it actually got you high.
Also remember that THC has anti-cancer properties and there has never been a conclusively linked case of marijuana and cancer.