The only problem with this is that without a system of laws, I believe that people would gravitate towards a feudal type system. Where the people with guns and money dominte those without them and offer protection against other people with guns. People do form a system to organize themselves, unfortounately, the new system is much worse than what we have. We need laws to keep democracy in place.
In places where laws dissapear and there are large numbers of people, this system always crops up. It is in parts of Africa and now even in Afganistan now that we have destroyed the hard-line government that was keeping these powerful people down.
Facism doesn't appear when you make too many things illegal, it appears when someone wants power. Making things illegal is just a method of keeping power. The similarties between Russia and Germany were not going "too far left or right" but that a group of people wanted power. The communism and racist philoshphies were just a means to an end.
That is the problem with Bush and his friends. They attack dissidents because it undermines their power.
The real soultion to oppose a facist government is to make laws that protect the minorty from the majority. That way, no one can use hatred of a group to consolidate power (the Jews, the rich, blacks, ect.). Bush is trying to do the same thing with Arabs. If he can convince people that the Arabs are evil and we need to take special action against them, then it's all over. Next he can attack people who he claims work with the Arabs. That would lead to facisism, not making abortion illegal.
"Don't touch my belt, you Jesus freak!" -Mr. Gruff the Atheist Goat