bermuDa wrote on 06-23-2004 10:06 PM:
if you have experiences you'd like to share to explain your opinion, then by all means enlighten us. "not mormons" is not stimulating conversation, and how are the other members supposed to know that:
I was lookin more to stimulate a conversation on the subject regarding some recent expierences in my dating life.
If you're trying to stimulate conversation, it's going to take more than two words.
It's obviously stimulating a conversation with you.
Although you have chosen to keep it a private conversation rather than a public one. I think that other members are old enough to be able to ask questions when they so desire. This isn't a lecture hall where your not allowed to ask questions. It's a forum, one in which many questions can and have been asked. I honestly didn't see why I should put down my whole history regarding the incident that has turned me off of dating someone of the Mormon religion. I figured if someone wanted to know they could ask.
If you do want to know read my other post in tilted philosophy and you can put 2 and 2 together