Originally posted by hannukah harry
please give us some peer reviewed literature.
and "i've never heard of someone injuring themselves that way" is pretty damn relevant when you're claiming it's possible, but doesn't seem to happen. you can pull/tear/injure any muscle on any exercise, but that doesn't mean that it's gonna happen.
how many people out of all the people who train on earth who do upright rows have you heard from? or do you think a better approach would be to look at the science of the human biomechanics which would encompass everyone?
oh yeah, if someone wants to build their muscles, then what bodybuilders (ie. people with hands on experiance) think is important. if you're just lifting for natural strength, then that's one thing, but if you want the muscles, it doesn't hurt to check out what the pro's do. if you're gonna build a castle, you don't look at house contruction, you look at a castle.
pro bodybuilders' drug bill is quite different to the natural lifters'. from what you write my guess is you're still in the early stages of reading lifting literature, and my suggestion is divert your attention away from bodybuilding muscle mags.
And what are you trying to say...strength athletes don't have muscles? Anyway it does not matter. You still haven't answered the question of what arnold presses offer that normal presses don't. It doesn't really mean much whether bodybuilders do arnold presses if you can't think of the reason behind such a stupid exercise