Lurkette's cutthroat answer all the way: It serve more than one purpose. It covers your tail as to the conditions and treatment you are telling us and give your a pure evidence packet that the investigators can use to prosecute. If the job does go bust, you weren't fired wrongfully but by merit of your actions. That will give you unemployment if needed and evidence for a law suit if it needs to go that far.
Start the log, take pictures...and start doing a job search...Start by going back to your school and checking the boards and counselors there. Continue to be the person you are, but you need to get out of there and get that place closed or fixed.. It seems that DOC...has lost his way, purpose in life, and the reason why he became an animal doctor in the first place..
The hospital(clinic) used to help and comfort, its no longer such a place and the animal, who are helpless sure have a great advocate in you....
DO the right thing, you know, what your heart says...WHY, because, in the longterm you will not only help yourself but score of animals that need proper care..

Love yeah....I know your between a rock and hard place...