We live in tornado alley! We don't have earthquakes (of any severity) we have never had a hurricane (that might be nice! we really need the rain!) We have never had a forest fire (we have never even seen a forest without leavin' the country) We have never had a mudslide (there are kids six years old here who have never even seen mud!).
No place is perfect. We don't have a lot of things some of you have and for that we are extremely grateful. Another point you might consider. It is very difficult to just up and leave one place for another. I have always wondered why anyone would live in NYC (and before you all jump down my throat I know all the arguments about why there is no other place in the world you'd rather be). It is all of those who live there that are unemployed or underemployed - living in less than desirable quarters stacked forty-seven deep on top of each other. We have some things you all (and around here that's pronounced Yawl) don't have.
Blue Sky (when the dirts not blowin')
Fresh air (sometimes with a hint of manure)
And we can go on for quite some time with this list.
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!